How to navigate relationship conflict

Wherever two humans exist in a sustained relationship, whether in a workplace or a home setting, conflict at some level will almost certainly happen from time to time.


That’s because of our unique differences in values, expectations, opinions, beliefs and needs.  How we respond to conflict is what really counts.  The choices we make in times of conflict are important.  Poor choices may impact our mental wellness, tear people apart, wreak havoc on family life, or in organisations it can lead to low morale, high absenteeism and lost production.  Making better choices when handling conflict can build understanding and improve interpersonal relationships, reduce anxiety and stress, increase friendships and boost your happiness level.


Learning to master the way we manage conflict therefore has many positive benefits.  But it does takes courage, commitment and practice to create an atmosphere of respect and cooperation.  Importantly, we must first shoulder the responsibility of ownin...

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9 ways to stay grounded in uncertain times

Recent events surrounding the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic have sent the world into a state of caution, fear and even panic. There is no denying that the uncertainty of this situation is both challenging and stressful. Everybody reacts differently to stressful situations, whether a global health emergency or a smaller-scale personal crisis. While we all wish we could help stop the spread of the disease and comfort everyone we see, there is only so much within our control. Here are some steps we can take right now to help take care of yourself and those around you.

  1. Practice gratitude.
    It’s easy to succumb to statements such as, “What is the world coming to?” or “It’s someone’s fault- this could have been avoided,” or “I’ve lost faith in humanity,” and more. Instead, make a point to observe and even write down one good thing that happened today. Did someone go out of their way to be kind to you? Did your supervisor thank you for stepping up to the plate in this time of crisis? Take
  2. ...
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Staying grounded through workplace change

contributed by Rosie Overfield


Work should be beneficial to mental health and overall wellbeing. After all, many of us spend more time with our colleagues than our loved-ones. If you are in a healthy workplace, chances are you are also in an organisation that is innovative; and with innovation comes regular change. Change can include new team members, mergers, new computer systems or even moving the business to a new location. Essentially, anything that has the potential to de-stabilise us and our routines. 

So, why does change rattle us?

The human brain is hard-wired to avoid uncertainty, risk and danger. This function of the limbic system allows us to anticipate danger and move ourselves out of harm’s way. Great for driving, not so great for being cool with change. This is why many of us freak out when we hear it’s coming. We feel the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty over the process, the idea of surprises and naturally, the anticipation of more work.

Staying calm during t...

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