Tools, Tips + Resources

Understanding stress, wellbeing & mental health is everyone’s business.

Often it's difficult to know where to access useful, easy to understand and relevant information to help.

Support for You
Support for your Business

Support for You

Take a look at our most popular resources to help you and your loved ones be the best version you can be, at work and at home!

Fact Sheets

Download our Fact Sheets for yourself or to share with someone you work with, love or care about. Often having something to refer to and look at, can make hard conversations much easier!

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Mental Health Basics


Why is it important?

Almost half (45%) of Australians will experience a mental illness at some stage in their lives.

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Everyone feels anxious at one time or another, especially when they’re under pressure. The right balance of anxiety is actually positive because it can enhance performance under stressful conditions.

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While it is totally normal to feel sad and down at times, depression is when these sad feelings last for an extended period of time and often for no reason at all. So, what exactly is it? And what does it look like? 

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Starting the Conversation


Speaking to others about personal or sensitive issues can feel strange and awkward at first.  But it may be the most important conversation you ever have. 

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Finding Support


So, when it is time to take that next step and connect with a mental health professional for the first time, it can feel daunting – especially if you’re not sure what to do or how to go about it? 

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Providing Support

How can you tell if someone is struggling with their mental health? It’s not like a physical illness or condition which you might be able to see from the outside.

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Looking after You


Why is looking after your mental health important?

In a nutshell, it’s because you are! 

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From the Wellbeing Blog

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Drinking Tea

9 ways to stay grounded in uncertain times 

Simple, yet effective ways to keep reminding yourself what matters most and to keep a calm mind during Covid-19.


325 Breathing

A simple tool to decrease stress, help you fall asleep or calm shaky nerves.

One of, if not the simplest tools we have for you is our 325-breathing exercise. And all you need is your breath. You can do it anywhere, anytime and best of all it’s free.


Why is “breathing” so effective?


When you’re stressed or feeling anxious, your breathing speeds up, and becomes shallow, reducing how much oxygen reaches your organs. When you actively slow down your breathing, through exercises like the 325 you benefit your body by slowing down your heart rate, this, in turn, allows you to recover much more quickly to return to your normal heart rate.

Practise the 325 just before you are about to head into a meeting or a presentation or even a difficult conversation.

Or try the 325 before bed (approx. 10 times). Not only does it provide an opportunity to get the technique down pat, it is also a fantastic way to relax and get ready before going to sleep. We constantly hear feedback that is the only thing that helps people switch off their brains. Give it a go! Check out the video to give you a step by step walk through of the 325

Support for Your Business

Cash Flow Management, the Digital Landscape and Managing Employees are three areas that small business owners seek support for.

Leading Workplace Wellbeing Toolkit 


As business owners, managers or supervisors, you are influential when it comes to your employees attitudes to wellbeing & mental health at work.

Receive our guide and take those first steps in creating a healthier and happier workplace. 

Receive the toolkit now!

Fill in the form and you'll receive a once off email from us with the Leading Workplace Wellbeing Toolkit. 

A to Z Business Survival Guide

from Brad Bulow


A complete practical guide to making the most from your small business.

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Cash Flow Stress


Managing cash flow is one of the most challenging aspects of running a small business, watch the video for some great tips.  For additional cash flow support check all the information at Business Queensland 

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How to hire great employees for your business 

Hiring the right people in your small business, is critical to success.  Getting this right has great impact on your customers, your culture and even your own wellbeing. Xero has a great toolkit to get you started.

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How to have a difficult conversation

Sometimes your employees may face challenging times and not perform at their best. This toolkit from Fair Work, helps you manage conversations so that you can help get things back on track.

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Retaining and motivating your employees 

The secret to keeping great employees is knowing what motivates them and creating a great company culture.  This article explores some great tips!

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