The research is clear: Workplace stress is on the rise both internationally and within Australia. In fact, work-related stress is cited second only to musculoskeletal injury as the most compensated workplace illness in Australia!
While stress directly affects the health and wellness of employees, businesses can suffer from our high-strung state as well. Stress undermines workplace productivity, focus and employee performance. So if you want to lead a team of star-performing employees, it pays - literally - to manage workplace stress.
First things first... What is workplace stress?
Workplace stress has been defined in a number of ways but is typically described as a level of work demands that is beyond our ability to cope.
There are many factors that can cause stress, including but not limited to:
When workplace stress is chronic and left untreated, our bodies are subjected to unnaturally high levels of stimulation. This can manifest with a variety of symptoms that range from physiological to psychological in nature, such as:
Who is affected by workplace stress?
The Australian Stress and Wellbeing (2013) report yielded some fascinating insights into our national state of stress. In this study, wellbeing ratings hit an all-time low and Australian stress-levels peaked with an unprecedented high. Not surprisingly, more Australians reported symptoms of anxiety and depression then ever before.
In this vein, Australians also showed declining levels of job satisfaction, lower workplace wellbeing and less interest in their work. One in two surveyed Australians stated that work was a stressor in their lives.
This has a very real impact on businesses. Work-related stress has been shown to contribute to organisational issues, poor productivity, higher intentions to quit, drug and alcohol addictions, increased staff turnover, more burnout and low job commitment.
The benefits of a less-stressed workforce
Caring about employee stress and wellbeing is more than merely altruistic; it also has a very real impact on the overall performance of your organisation.
Less stress is associated with many business benefits, such as lower rates of absenteeism and sick leave, an increase in productivity, higher levels of job satisfaction and a lower overall cost to employers. (Not to mention the benefit of avoiding employee stress claims.)
10 quick tips to help your staff feel less!
Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge that work is a top source of stress for many people. Therefore, employers can (and should) aim to avoid unnecessary stress in the workplace. Thankfully, there are many things we can to do help with this!
Here are 10 key steps to providing a happy and psychologically healthy working environment:
In stark contrast to this list, only one in two Australians feel that employers value their work or have concern for their wellbeing!
As a business who cares about stress and wellbeing in the workplace, you can really stand out from the crowd and attract awesome staff from this growing national pool of discontented employees.
And remember - happy, less-stressed employees also improve the bottom line profitability and productivity of your business.
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