Know the signs and remember who's in charge...
Do you check your social media accounts several times a day, even when you have more important things you need to be doing?
Do you find the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is check your Facebook or Instagram?
Are you constantly checking Twitter updates or checking out other people’s Facebook pages?
When you have to wait for someone or something, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes, do you automatically open your Facebook app to avoid having to look like you’re doing nothing?
If this sounds like it could be you, then it might be time to cut down on your social media usage.
Well as great as social media is to keep connected with family and friends (as well as being an excellent time-waster), there are plenty of other ways it can actually negatively affect your life, even without you realising it.
Spending too much time online can interfere with what’s going on in your life – it can interrupt meaningful conversations, inhibit connection with people who are present and reduce engagement with work or other activities. Some people even check their accounts while driving – which is just plain dangerous!
Social media also provides a platform to compare yourself to other people, which can lead to negative thoughts and feelings. Some people also use social media as a way to measure their self-worth, where ‘likes’ = approval. Both of these behaviours can be really unhealthy, especially for people who already struggle with their self-esteem.
If you feel like you may need some additional support or strategies to reduce your social media use and reconnect with those around you, reach out for support!
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