Seeking support

Why these common excuses are no excuse!


It can be a difficult decision to reach out for extra support when we’re struggling. Not only is there a lot of stigma attached to seeking support, but there’s also a lot of common myths and misconceptions too. 

Like, therapy is only for crazy people. Or psychologists will sit you on a leather couch and ask you about your childhood. The truth is, if people reached out for support in times of stress or when they first started to struggle, feelings of overwhelm and not coping could be dealt with much more quickly and effectively. 

There’s no shame in getting extra support and it’s actually a really helpful resource when people need it the most. Despite this, people still make excuses not to speak to a professional and get the help they need.


The following are a few of the most common excuses – and reasons why you shouldn’t use them.  


 I can do it on my own. 

  • Maybe you can, maybe you can’t – but at what cost?  Wellbeing & Mental Health professionals are trained to help people with evidence-based strategies. They’re the experts. Even if you can do it on your own, getting some extra support might be just the thing that helps you get back on track quicker and easier. If that’s the case, why wouldn’t you? What is the worst that could happen?


 I don’t have time. 

  • You do have time. You have 24 hours in a day for the rest of your life. You just may need to reorganise your priorities for a little while. 


I saw mental health professional once and they didn’t help. 

  • Finding a good professional is like finding a good hairdresser or mechanic – you need one that you like and trust. Sometimes it can take time to connect with the right person for you. Don’t give up on the first go.  


 It’s a sign of weakness. 

  • Bulldust. It’s a sign of strength. And we’ll have that argument with anyone that tries to tell you otherwise. 


If you feel like you may benefit from some additional support then make the strong choice and reach out. You won't regret it. 


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