Beating those post-holiday blues

All good holidays eventually must, unfortunately, come to an end.

And, regardless of how much you may actually love your job, returning after some R&R or adventuring often feels like walking through mud. The inbox is usually overflowing, tasks quickly start piling up and those deadlines that only last month felt so far way, are now just around the corner. 

Sitting back at your desk on that first day back, or returning to the worksite feels like Monday-itisx1000, and it's very tempting to walk right back out that door and back into that summertime hammock. 

Most of us feel just like this after our holidays, but there are some simple steps and fun tips you can take on to help push through and battle those post-holiday blues.   


Allow a 'head in the clouds' first day back 
Drop those expectations right down, keep your Out of Office reply on, and limit your meetings/tasks as much as possible. Maybe request to have a half day for your first day back. It's amazing what a difference this can make to transitioning back into work mode. 

Make it fun 
What's something you can 'treat' yourself to the first week back at work? Maybe keep the holiday feasting going and pack lunches that would make a top-chef drool, or block in some fancy eating out to ease back into the real world. Keep the laissez-faire, island-time mood rolling. 

What are you day-dreaming about 
Besides all those drawn out holiday evenings and slow starts to the day. Spend some time to set some resolutions for yourself (and your team if you're managing one). You've probably already spent a few minutes at least over the break thinking about it! Maybe you'd love some more responsibility at work, or want Friday half days so you can coach your kids' soccer team. Establishing some 'new changes' for work and wellbeing will help build your excitement to keep showing up.  

Choose one thing you can implement for your wellbeing now that you've returned 
This doesn't necessarily need to be a big lofty 'lose 50kgs' goal, but try to identify what you can do or change to help increase your wellbeing at work. Maybe turn your email notifications off after 5pm, or lock in a proper full lunch beak everyday. Making concerted efforts like these reduces resentment and stress  from your 'work' life sneaking into your 'home' life.  

Celebrate surviving that first week back
Everyone deserves a medal for even showing up for that first week after a good holiday, and not running off to that deserted island we've all been dreaming about. Give yourself a high five and treat yourself! 


Remember to not expect to snap straight back into work-mode, take a few days to settle back in!


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